A rigorous gym programme, then a huge hike up Rainier have done me in, I'm walking like a cowboy.
Beautiful weather and a leisurely cruise through verdant loveliness made the arrival at Sunrise visitors centre all the sweeter
I may have miscalculated what counts for a respectful distance to the car in front. It looked to be at least three times that of the UK, but it must be more as I found 3 US drivers pulling over to let me pass when I hadn't consciously signalled them to.
I've never been as high up as this with my feet on the ground and I found getting out of the car a bit of a strain at first, perhaps it was the wine
A lousy hot dog and some caffeine, and one 500ml bottle of water and we were set. It took an age to get up the steps on the first 400 yards, but once through the altitude barrier, I wanted to get as high as possible. We wandered through stunning meadows

the like of which I haven't seen since I was in northern Morocco, then upwards to more aggressive rocky terrain to find a dome shaped seat where we reclined to take in the upper half of Rainier and its shining glaciers

Once home, we had more Martini's and watched Resident Evil
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